Air Element

Generally speaking Vata types have variable energy and appetites that go from very high to very low in a short amount of time. They are usually highly creative and intelligent and curious. They love media and new stimulations and experiences, like travel or just browsing the internet for new ideas. They are quick to anger but also quick to forgive. They usually have thinner frames, low muscle tone, narrower shoulders and smaller breasts, and can often be very tall and lanky or very short for their race and family genetics.

Physically, they suffer from constipation, gas, and improper elimination,  osteoporosis, cold hands and feet, tremors, vertigo, nervous system disorders, and post menstrual stress. 

Since their elimination channels are the weakest of the three doshas they are most sensitive to external toxins .

Mentally, they suffer from anxiety, are easily distracted, often have insomnia and are prone to excessive thinking and excessive talking. 

The organs that suffer most under Vata problems are the colon, bones, nervous system and the mind.

Vata as the air element, is the energy of movement so excess movement and stimulation of any type, including traveling, flying, driving, caffeine and stimulants are particularly aggravating to Vata. Like the wind, Vata is drying and rough, so any food or herb that is drying and lifestyle where there a sense of lack of support or physical comfort will increase Vata. Dry harsh words, loud sounds and rough touch will also aggravate Vata.