Harry and Meghan Markle Future; Horoscope and Compatibility


When I saw Meghan Markle’s horoscope with Rahu (conjunct Mercury and Sun) in the first house (self) in Cancer, and so many planets, especially Saturn, transiting her seventh house (relationship) in Capricorn since last year, I had to make a Vedic compatibility chart for her and Harry to gain deeper insight than what the media is reporting.

If you have been studying with me you know that when Rahu is on the ascendant, Ketu will be in the seventh house, which means that relationships will be the primary karmic struggle for Meghan Markle in this lifetime. With Rahu and Ketu on this axis, finding the right balance between, “I am the captain of my ship” (first house) and “two captains, one ship” (seventh house) becomes very difficult. Rahu and Ketu's eclipsing influence on the relationship can make you swing between the extremes––either surrendering your identity to your partner, or totally withdrawing all support for the partner.

Meghan Markle’s first marriage in 2011 took place during her Rahu Dasha, Venus Bhukti. This planetary period where Rahu drowns us with his intensity to fall for Venus’s desire to be in love overlooks the practical and long-term implications of the union. The relationship ended in divorce just a couple of years later.

In 2016, a year into her Jupiter Dasha, Jupiter Bhukti Meghan met Harry on a blind date. They got married in 2018—this time it was Harry who was in Rahu Dasha, Venus Bhukti. At the time of the wedding, Meghan had just transitioned into Jupiter Dasha, Saturn Bhukti. Saturn as you know is a conservative and realistic planet and has little time for Venus’s “fairy tale endings” and Jupiter’s, “you can have it all”. Megan describes the period between the time they got married and when the couple decided to leave their royal duties in 2020, as unbearable, even suicidal.


Once we have assessed the current Dasha/Bhukti and the overall relationship potential of each horoscope we turn to compatibility. In this case, Meghan and Harry are missing many of the measurements that Vedic Astrology looks for to predict a strong, fruitful, and enduring union. For example, both are Manglik (Mars flaw) with Mars in the 12th house, which means they have a lot of hidden enemies, but also that they are unable to see their own anger, judgment, and inflexibility. Harry’s Venus (relationship potential) is debilitated in the D-1 chart and with Ketu in the Navamsha, which means that his married life will not always support his own path in life.

Their Kuta points, or compatibility score, is just 17.5 points, which is below average (you need roughly 21 out of 36 points). Specifically, two compatibility measurements, Bha Kuta and Mahendra, do not meet the requirements. Both of these relate to the couple’s relationship with the outside world. In other words, you might have a great one-one relationship, but if you don’t share the family culture, society, values, cultural background, etc. it often puts too much strain on the marriage and many relationships break under the pressure.

Bha Kuta & Mahendra

I like to think of Bha Kuta as the “merger”, or potential for the couple’s transformation from “I” to “us”. Just as when fire merges with water to make steam, Bha Kuta refers to the couple’s ability to join and transform into a new element.

Mahendra measures the couple’s ability to find a united higher purpose, or Dharma, together. It is similar to Bha Kuta, in that it is looking for a third element outside of “You” and “Me”. Traditionally, this measurement was one of the most important considerations, as it promised the continuation of lineage, successful progeny, getting along with in-laws, etc.—all of which are very important in older cultures. It goes without saying this missing measurement in their relationship has the potential to cause a lot of difficulties.

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The video excerpt above is from my online class:

Sacred Contracts, Yoga of Relationships

Sacred Contracts: Yoga of Relationships gives you a modern and relevant window into Vedic compatibility techniques that have been used in India for centuries to create lasting unions. Whether you are already in a long-term relationship, or looking to commit to one, this class will empower you with the knowledge you need to be successful.