Call to Adventure
“Fire and passion define Aries. In Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, Aries is the “Call to Adventure,” which includes a conception, birth or rebirth, and initiation of the hero-child as he prepares to leave behind the ordinary world of his family and community to pursue a more adventurous and daring path in life”. ~ Before Your Future
Supernatural Aid
“Campbell called this stage “Supernatural Aid,” as at this point a mentor appears and offers the hero something tangible—like an object, charm, or weapon— to protect him so that he does not have to rely solely on his determination or inner fire to succeed. In other words, here the inner hero is reminded that his body and senses also need attention if he is to be victorious”. ~ Before Your Future
Crossing the First Threshold
“In Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, this stage is called “Crossing the First Threshold,”. The Ruled by the curious and inquisitive Mercury, the Gemini hero is not yet ready to face the dangers of Scorpio, take on the responsibilities of Capricorn, or revel in the heart-centered devotion of Pisces. First, the hero needs to learn how things work and experiment with new ideas and concepts”.
~ Before Your Future
Belly of the Whale
“Called “Belly of the Whale” in Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, Cancer marks the portion of a story where the hero pulls back to rest and rejuvenate before plunging back into the adventure. Once the hero has conceded to and dealt with his inner child’s cries for help, the strength that emerges is the source of “compassionate detachment,” or the ability to depersonalize interactions and still keep the heart open, vulnerable, and gentle”.
~ Before Your Future
The Road of Trials
“This stage is the heart of the Hero’s Journey and considered the favorite in most myths and stories. Campbell called it “The Road of Trials,” where the hero discovers for the first time that there is some greater force supporting his journey. Even though the hero is continuously tested and facing danger, he keeps winning and becoming stronger. World literature and mythology are filled with stories of the hero’s preliminary victories at this stage of the journey”.
~ Before Your Future
Meeting with the Goddess
“Campbell referred to the Virgo stage in the Hero’s Journey as “Meeting with the Goddess,” symbolic of the pure potentiality of the divine energy rooted in matter or the pristine and untouched energy of mother nature. The hero pauses his divine search and embraces divinity in the ordinary. In that sense, Virgo is the rest stop in the Hero’s Journey where the protagonist temporarily ceases being a hero and embraces the rhythms, cycles, and demands of everyday life to improve his health and habits and move among his people as an ordinary person”. ~ Before Your Future
Atonement with the Father
“The Sun’s debilitation in Libra becomes clearer when you see that Campbell called this stage “Atonement with the Father.” In many myths and stories, this stage shows the hero encountering the archetype of a corrupt and authoritative father-type figure standing in the way of his goals. I prefer to call this stage “Atonement with the Parents,” as these individuals set the stage for our Libra journey by passing on their core beliefs about relationships. From the astrological point of view, atonement here means releasing inherited negative relationship patterns that are preventing union with our partner”.
The Hero Almost Dies
“Campbell aptly called this stage “The Hero Almost Dies,” as this is the most suspenseful portion of any story where the hero fights his greatest battles and almost doesn’t make it. These battles are symbolic of our inner demons, buried intergenerational traumas, family secrets, and intense, long-forgotten experiences that we were not strong enough to acknowledge at the time and have since taken on a life of their own. Campbell suggested that if the hero does survive this stage of the journey, he acquires the “Ultimate Boon” or windfall as a result of his near-death and resurrection”.
~ Before Your Future
Magic Flight
“In the Hero’s Journey, Campbell described this stage as the “Magic Flight,” where the hero is rescued by his guides and mentors and has them close by his side for this portion of the journey. These mentors have been standing by until he outruns the darkness of Scorpio and only now consider him ready to receive the discourse of higher knowledge that this sign entails. Access to inner and outer guides reaches its summit here, making most Sagittarius dashas feel distinctly guided by mentors, gurus, and serendipity”.
~ Before Your Future
Crossing Return Threshold
“Campbell called this stage “Crossing the Return Threshold,” where the hero transitions back to where he began his journey. This stage correlates with “Crossing the First Threshold” in Gemini, which was symbolic of the beginning of the journey away from home. At this stage, in most myths and stories, the hero is tasked with returning to ordinary life and providing leadership to the common men and women of his world”.
~ Before Your Future
Master of the Two Worlds
“What makes Aquarius a unique ascendant is that its ruler Saturn has two contrasting agendas. Ruling both the first house of selfhood and the twelfth house of the surrender of the self, Saturn here seeks to live in these two worlds simultaneously. Campbell aptly called this Hero’s Journey stage “Master of the Two Worlds.” Here high ideals and commitment to collective goals are often at odds with the rush to fulfill any remaining personal desires for name, fame, riches, and accolades”. ~ Before Your Future
Make it stand out
“Pisces is symbolic of the potential for rebirth and regeneration after the exhaustive journey our hero takes from Aries through Aquarius. Campbell called this final stage of the Hero’s Journey “Freedom to Live,” where the hero has an opportunity to finally free himself from the impositions of his ahamkara, or ego and persona, free of striving, desiring and seeking, knowing that everything and everyone is divine”.
~ Before Your Future