Predict Your Future And Your Unique Pathway to Becoming


“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it.
This is a kind of death”. ~ Anais Nin

Did you know that the Sanksrit translation for Dasha (planetary periods) is a "state of being", situation or condition?

Each Dasha, or state, is predicted by combining the signification of the House, Zodiac Sign, and Planet it activates. The Vedic horoscope reveals the timing of the different states we all have to go through. Once you honor and embrace each of these cosmic forces as a doorway to your becoming, Vedic astrology becomes an unprecedented invitation for spiritual evolution.

In my book Before your Future, I lay out a step-by-step process to help you predict the potential outcome of each Dasha and how to optimize each state. Certainly, there are some Dashas that can be brutal and often out of our control. However, in the vast majority of cases, there are no “bad” Dashas or states. Most of our suffering is created by our resistance to, or superficial embrace of, a Planet, Zodiac Sign, or House.
By intersecting the Vimshottari Dasha with Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s journey and introducing examples from Vedic mythology as well as familiar stories like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, my goal in writing this book was to help you find your own answers and pathways to becoming.

Read the excerpt below from Before Your Future about one of the most exciting “states” of our life’s journey which Campbell referred to as “Call to Adventure”. Like all Dashas this state can awaken in our consciousness at any age–– beginning, middle, or end of life. Its impact will, of course, be different depending on the age but the yearning to explore something new and unknown, as well as the opportunities to carve out a unique path in life will be the primary impulse in this planetary period.

If you don’t know what state or Dasha you are in and what the future holds, there is a free chart maker on my website.

Before Your Future: Excerpt, Chapter 9, Pg 265


Mythical Example:

Lord of the Rings: Gandalf comes to the peaceful Shire to celebrate Bilbo’s 111th birthday. He realizes that the Ring Bilbo possesses belongs to Sauron and contains the greatest evil powers known to mankind. Sauron is looking for the Ring and the Ring is looking for Sauron. Gandalf knows the Ring needs to be removed from the Shire and destroyed, as it is endangering the lives of the Hobbits. Gandalf is unable to do this himself. The Ring wields too much power over him. He needs someone innocent and young like Frodo, who will not be tempted by the object’s power. Frodo hesitates at first; he does not feel like any kind of hero. He also knows that the quest will be extremely dangerous. Eventually, something inside him insists that he rise to the call and accept his destiny.

Dasha Activation: Aries, First House, Ruler of the First House, and Mars

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, signals the end of winter (Pisces) and the beginning of spring, a new cycle of nature. Mars, the ruler of Aries, is the archetype of the courage it takes for a seedling to tear through the hard ground and dare to dream of growing into a big tree. Aries and Mars are both risk-takers, and so they urge you to embark on a more daring course in life. The first house is your self­hood seeking expression in the world. The Sun is exalted in Aries and will carry similar impulses, but as a more mature hero than Mars. In any good story, whether ancient or modern, the Hero’s Journey begins with the disruption of his comfort zone. The hero encounters a new calling or a deep crisis and loss, both of which require expul­sion from his ordinary life, and compel him to change its course. The excitement of adventure and the fear created by the loss of nor­malcy exists simultaneously in the newborn hero in this portion of the zodiac. If the urge to take on a new course in life results from a crisis or loss, the resistance to “refuse the call” will be stronger.

Description in the Horoscope

When these forces are auspicious, they effortlessly deliver the courage, spontaneity, and opportunity to depart from your comfort zone and take on new challenges. Self-expression and self-confidence may not yet be fully developed, but self-esteem and the urge to com­pete and succeed are innate. You will naturally embrace some daring action, new activity, or adventure without fear or pride. You will be fully invested in the new venture, excited to lead and innovate. The independence that comes with these forces requires you to leave some­one or something behind, which you will be able to do without being irresponsible or causing harm. Your tanu, form or vessel, is a vehicle fully loaded and equipped for the terrain of your new adventure.

When these forces are afflicted, there may be a reckless and hasty departure without thought or planning. Shortcuts, high-risk ventures, or nefarious actions are possible under these influences. An afflicted Mars can bring exhaustion from overexertion, stress, and insurmount­able conflict. It can also make you more combative and aggressive, which causes rifts in relationships and partnerships. You may have wild swings between enthusiasm and apathy, unable to narrow down the new venture.

Weakness in these forces can prevent any forward movement. The tanu or vehicle of your first house will be ill-equipped for the journey that lies ahead. For example, Saturn is debilitated in Aries because his cautionary and pragmatic approach is not suitable for this por­tion of the journey, which requires a more audacious spirit. There is enthusiasm and eagerness but not the follow-through. This can lead to denial, resistance, victimhood, or blaming someone or something else for why nothing exciting ever happens to you. In other words, you may “refuse the call to adventure” and remain frustrated. Or accept the call and regret it.

Note: The intensity of the fire element and the compulsion to express our svadharma, or unique self-expression, is deeply embedded in human nature. In that sense, most horoscopes look forward to the first house, first lord, and Aries dashas.