Fire Element
Pitta types have medium height and weight, medium and reddish lips, reddish complexion, piercing eyes, thinning hair or balding (also red tint to their hair), early graying, excellent digestion and appetite , athletic builds, sharp wits, confidence and strong concentration.
Some examples of physical ailments for Pitta include inflammatory diseases, acne, high blood pressure, nausea, liver issues, hair loss, blood disorders, anemia, fibroids and endometriosis.
The body parts most susceptible to Pitta are small intestines, sweat glands, blood, lymph nodes, brain, eyes, and heart.
Psychological problems associated with Pitta include anger, criticism, domination, narrow mindedness and judgment. Pitta is hot like the fire so is aggravated by anything that is "hot" including a hot day in the sun, vigorous exercise, anger, competition and willfulness and over achievement.