Primal Sounds of the Sanskrit Alphabet
The sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet are the prime mantras. They are called matrikas or “mothers” . Together the whole alphabet creates the entire universe.
In this class we will learn how each sound relates to the five elements, the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and the three Gunas (tamas, rajas and sattva).
All the principles of Ayurveda apply to these prime sounds, which like food effect our body and mind. Some sounds are pitta, some vata and some kapha. Furthermore, consonants are Tamasic ( body oriented), semi vowels are Rajasic (mind oriented) and vowels are sattvic (soul oriented). Each sound also relates to different parts of the body
Knowledge of the influence of these primal sounds can be used for healing ourselves and our clients. We will look at the practical use of each sound for our healing practices and remedies.